Mrs May snuck in the back way at the European summit and well she might. In the first place her Chancellor has lost the plot, not that that stopped her defending him.
Self employed people and small business people need more support not less. When a self employed person is sick, nobody pays them, when a self employed person takes a holiday no one pays them, when a small business fails the owner does not get redundancy or severance pay. When a small business makes a profit it pays tax, when it makes a loss the only tax rebate will be on tax paid in advance, the Revenue doesn't say last year you made money so the tax was a plus figure, this year you made a loss here's some money from us, your tax is now a minus figure.
No, if things go well the small businessperson pays tax and National Insurance, if things go very well, they take on staff and/or apprentices, binding agreements, red tape and work place pensions, commitments which are non reversible. If things go badly, they're on their own.
Sure you can claim benefits once all your savings and assets are down to next to nothing at all, in the meantime if you're a small businessman in trouble, then you're on your own buddy.
Those are the reasons why there should be incentives IF we want people to take the plunge, to try and innovate, invent and become wealth creators. Oh to be an employee again, especially to be an employee of the state with a nice safe fat pension. If you want to keep people down then take away all the benefits, such as they are, of going it alone. That's the Conservative way now and Hammond calls it 'fairness'. If a broken manifesto pledge can ever be called fair.
On the other side we saw a political broadcast from the Shadow Chancellor last night. Looking all doey-eyed like Clement Freud's bloodhound, if anyone else is old enough to remember that. Bleating mournfully into the camera about social care and offering no solution to Gordon Brown's near one point seven trillion pound rising debt. Of course neither Hammond nor Brexit are helping with that either.
For years, when things were not going the way they liked, the anti Europeans whinged and maneuvered until they eventually lied their way, using fear of Turkey, fear of foreigners, promises of an easy divorce and of pots of cash, to a narrow referendum victory.
Now, the sixteen million one hundred and forty thousand plus people who voted for a joined up co-operative arrangement of sensible trade and harmony with our nearest friends and neighbours are told to shut up and buckle down. Well sorry chaps, not going to happen. If a thing's worth campaigning for it's worth campaigning for. I do not want economic chaos and enmity thank you, and you can be sure when things get tough that the Daily Mail and Express will simply fall back on vilifying Johnny Foreigner.
David Davis blithely talks about a 'frictionless border' in Northern Ireland with no how about it. If the land border with the EU is open it's open, to people and goods, if it's closed it's a return to violence and death and terrorism. Barking.
Only one party has consistently supported Europe, remained united and remained in the centre ground. Why voters have to pendulum between one extreme and the other is beyond me. And now we learn that the Tories almost certainly broke the law to attack and wipe out the LibDems in the West Country, once a sane Liberal stronghold, by spending huge sums over and above what's allowed, by law, to protect the level playing field.
I hope the Crown Prosecution Service takes notice and lets have a fair new election; if you want Mrs May and her take it, or take it approach then you can vote for her and it. I'll be voting Liberal.
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