It has been widely
reported that Turkey is frustrated by the slow progress of it's
application to join the EU. Nonsense. Most of the people I talk to in
Turkey think they are better off out of it. They laugh at Greece, no
love lost there obviously, but you can understand their attitude.
Many Turks view their neighbours as lazy and I suspect that overall
there is actually a stronger work ethic in Turkey.
EU membership carries
obligations as well as benefits. An architect friend of mine, some
years ago oversaw a major renovation of an historic quarter in
Istanbul. It was paid for, he told me, with EU money. If you're
already getting the benefits, without the obligations, then why would
you join?
These are tough times
for nations and individuals alike – we all know that. The question
is what are we going to do about it. One thing the EU has been doing
is negotiating comprehensive free trade agreements, or FTAs, with non
member countries around the world, opening up the exchange of goods
and services in a bid to boost economic growth and create jobs. So
far so good.
However, Turkey has a
customs union agreement with the EU and the problem Turkey now faces,
is that under the terms this 1995 agreement, a country which
concludes a trade pact with Brussels automatically gains access to
Turkish markets, while Turkey cannot utilise the same advantages the
EU has secured for its exports. This is clearly unfair.
Economy Minister Zafer
Caglayan readily admits the nearly two-decade old customs union has
helped the country's economy grow, but fears the new free trade deals
will be a burden, he's damn right. Some may say it's pay back time,
Turkey has had many advantages from its one sided relationship with
Europe, but that's not the route to economic growth and harmony.
Europe has to decide where it stands on Turkey and it has to do it
A lot is at stake for Ankara as trade with the
27-member EU absorbed nearly 40 percent of Turkey's $152.5 billion in
exports last year, according to national statistics. And a lot is at
stake for the EU and Britain too. 40 percent of British exports go to
the EU in a neat symmetry and the EU is in difficulty to say the
least. Greece is a burden and other economies threaten to become so.
France is again in recession and Germany is oppressed by the Greek
bailout. The EU took on countries like Bulgaria and Romania to help
them grow, but they're still far poorer than the European average and
are struggling to grow, whilst older members like Italy and Spain are
suffering too, look at Spanish unemployment.
frustration is driven by the sharp slow down in their economy, which
grew by 2.2 percent in 2012, from over 8 percent the two previous
years. Read that again slowly and consider just how delighted George
Osborne would be with 2.2% GROWTH. While the Turks are frustrated
because they were achieving 8%!
The EU has been a major contributing factor to
European peace since World War Two and I think it was a large part of
Ted Heath's motivation when he led us to join. We want a peaceful
world and we worry, with some cause, about Islamic extremism. Turkey
is the boundary between Europe and the Middle East, she's a full
member of NATO and thanks to the wisdom of her founder Kemal Ataturk,
one of the greatest me, of the 20th Century in my view,
state and religion are separated, unlike in Iran for example.
Wars are also fought when people go hungry or run
short of water, maybe this is a greater long term worry even than
religious bigotry. So here are my reasons for wanting to welcome
Turkey wholeheartedly as brothers.
Economically Turkey is a strong, vibrant and
growing economy, she will be an instant economic asset, and a tonic
to the EU, she brings with her trade, growth and economic strength.
As a NATO ally we need to bind her closer, not push her away. Why has
progress been so slow? One reason is Greece and the Cyprus situation.
If we can resolve that terrible dispute then it's another huge
advantage. Greece is in a weak position today and is I strongly
suspect the more inflexible of the two. If the EU is to support
Greece it should get more than street protests in return. It's time
for a resolution, time for Greece to make concessions. Personally,
having been to the Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus I'm convinced
that the distinctive Turkish community was oppressed before the war
that divided the island, it's high time to create a fairer situation
for all. The EU welcomes Turkish Cypriots as EU citizens but doesn't
recognise the Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus, even the customs
regulations for visitors are a mess. The EU must put its house in
order and welcoming Turkey into the fold could be the catalyst.
Some existing EU member states fear having a
Muslim country as a member. At the moment Turkey is a good friend,
let that friendship wither and die and we increase the chances that
extremists will take over. Ataturk's teachings are much revered in
Turkey, but he is no longer there to lead, the memories of his
leadership his ways of doing things will fade, with succeeding
generations, it was ever thus. If Turkey becomes an EU member we will
have the opportunity to influence, push her away and others will
become more influential. In the longer term it should be remembered
that Turkey can supply all her own food and water requirements
without the need to import, with further development she could export
more of those increasingly critical commodities too.
For the sake of our economy and hers, for the sake
of world peace, it's time to cement our friendship with Turkey. I
hope we haven't left it too late.
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