The Chancellor's Autumn
This country is paying
£120 million every day in interest, that's £120 million pounds down
the drain, every day, before we spend a penny on education,
healthcare, infrastructure, or anything useful. So called experts
tell us that Britain can afford this. Personally I know that if I
don't live within my means things get tough and frankly, expert or
not, I'm pretty damn sure the country has to live within its means
So what do I think of
the Autumn Statement? Weak, weak, weak. The Chancellor's new plans
ASSUME growth in two or three years time, have they not learned how
dangerous these ASSUMPTIONS are? Clearly not actually. They forecast
0.8% growth this very year, but actually it's now minus 0.1%.
One forecast that
probably has a basis in FACT is that borrowing will grow by between
£61 BILLION and £135 BILLION. That means that the £120 million per
day going up in smoke today and every day will INCREASE.
The government blames
the international situation, which is partly true. Personally I also
blame Blair and Brown. Over the last two years as a whole our economy
has grown 0.6%, the Chancellor's forecast WAS 4.6 %, some miss! Mull
that one over for a minute. So why don't we forget these forecasts
and just deal with the damn deficit. It's true that France has grown
1.7% in the same two year period, Germany 3.6% and the USA 4.1%
though goodness knows how and of course France and Germany have the
Euro crisis and Greece hanging over them like the sword of Damocles.
So it's not all about the international situation, it's about the
deficit and if that sword should fall on the main Eurozone players
you can forget about growth two and three years from now, in Britain
or anywhere. Let the Eurocrats try and increase their spending then!
Basically, what this
coalition government lacks is balls. Maybe because it is a coalition.
At the election they more or less promised more pain, slash and burn,
get the deficit down, (well, the Tories did anyway, perhaps Clegg's
the problem?) but they haven't done it. Now, I don't want to suffer
any more pain than the next person, but I do want to see this country
back on a firm footing, that's why they won the damn election.
They're tinkering and
trying to steer a middle course and I can understand the temptation,
but it's NOT what they said they'd do. Nor is it working – clearly.
There are two possible scenarios, aside from trying to walk down the
middle – one go all out for growth (as Labour, the architects of
this current dilemma demand), or two, go all out for deficit
reduction. I think the former would be a mistake, where's the growth
to come from, increased exports? Dream on in this climate. And it can
only be attempted by even more unaffordable borrowing, even more
interest payments and money lost, that's taxpayers' money – yours
and mine, paid out in interest. What then if the Eurozone does
collapse? (Which is not that unlikely) So please, lets shield
ourselves by fixing the roof – even during the storm. Even though
we'll catch a short term cold. We can dry out and put the heating on
after the roof is fixed.
On the subject of the
storm, the storm from the opposition benches was redolent with the
hypocrisy of the party that got us into this mess in the first place.
Remember the note in the treasury “sorry there's no money left”
ha, bloody ha. An apology from Ed Balls and co. and cooperation to
get the deficit down might play better with intelligent voters. Of
course politicians find the idea of apology an anathema. Oppositions
oppose for opposition's sake.
Some of my own
controversial ideas would probably make a rather limited difference,
but I do feel illegal immigrants shouldn't receive more than
pensioners who've paid National Insurance all their working lives.
What about removing the incentive for economic immigration by saying
if you can't find a job you'll receive exactly the same welfare you'd
receive in your country of origin!
What about a work fair
system like the Yanks have rather than a welfare system where you get
paid for doing nothing, instead of cutting infrastructure projects
get people who are already being paid to work on them and for the
money they receive.
They advertise to young
people saying join the army and learn a trade, well bring them back
from overseas adventures and have them work on infrastructure
projects, so they do learn a trade and prepare them for life after
the army, whilst doing something good for the country that doesn't
involve dying.
Change the laws that
allow overseas giants like Starbucks, Google and Amazon to cook their
books so the profits made here in the UK appear to be made in
countries with lower tax regimes.
And finally CUT taxes
for working and middle class people (actually all people – but they
seem to be doing it for the rich already), and for companies
(something they are actually doing a bit to be fair and which would,
if taken far enough, mean companies would actually want to make their
profits right here in the UK and not in the USA, just glance back at
those growth figures above).
So much evidence shows
cutting tax rates brings more into the treasury, (but not necessarily
overnight). Unfortunately it goes against certain political parties'
ideology. Cutting taxes means less tax avoidance and more of a feel
good factor, more investment and dare we whisper it growth.
Of course in the immediate short term it means cutting spending,
dramatically in this current scenario, where we simply have to reduce
this deficit NOW. And there we are, back to the slash and burn they
said they'd do and don't have the courage to do. Our old age and our
kids lives will be the poorer for it, believe me.
nil – Labour nil. Time for a radical shake up, I wonder if Boris
could do better??
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