I've long thought that the United Nations is fatally flawed owing to the Security Council in particular being comprised of governments which like to think they know best and which have very different ideologies. I had reached the conclusion that although the United Nations could never, in its present form, bring about a largely, let alone completely peaceful world, at least it could do some good in humanitarian ways.
Its beginning to look like the UN isn't fit for purpose in this arena either. The Cholera epidemic in Haiti has long been blamed on a Nepalese UN peacekeeping force bringing the disease to the island and failing to prevent human waste, its human waste, entering the water supply. For years the UN denied it, but a proper scientific study found otherwise, stating, and I quote 'Cholera would not have broken out but for the actions of the UN'.
Two thousand years ago the Roman legions understood the need for proper latrines and sewage control, the dangers that human waste can bring, UN officers it seems have still to learn.
So, ten thousand people are dead, eight hundred thousand people have been affected and there are still fatalities every month. The UN, however, will not, even now, pay damages, claiming diplomatic immunity. Can you believe that? When an organisation like the UN loses its moral compass what hope is there?
This isn't the only other failing the UN has been guilty of recently either. I say 'other' because I've only just blogged about the failure of the security council in Aleppo and Syria generally. However, in South Sudan it seems certain that government troops were responsible for the rape and torture of aid workers and the execution of a journalist whilst a UN force, just minutes away ignored pleas for help.
The world NEEDS a properly constituted, effectively run, equal and moral United Nations and it needs it soon.
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