I watched Matt Frei's report on the Trump campaign on British television last night. It seems the Republican Party's own backlash has backfired, predictably since Trump has created a coalition of the disillusioned and angry who hate the establishment. The violence at Trump rallies and the incitement of violence is disturbing, even allowing for selective editing; media editors are in an incredibly powerful position to distort if they so desire. Nonetheless Trump is condemned out of his own mouth and you can't film violence that is not happening.
One of the conclusions of the show was that having obtained a following of the angry and the extreme, the bigots, racists and gay bashers a move to the centre AFTER gaining the republican nomination would disillusion those people and make it impossible for Trump to win. I'm not sure he can credibly back track and that if he did so, that normal, well balanced, right thinking people would be mollified and come over to him. I'm not sure either, if he did so, that a whole load of the current mob would abandon him, but hopefully he can't win with just the loonies.
As an aside, his main republican rival is also a carpet bombing, gay bashing extremist of an at least equally dangerous character. The democrats, imperfect as Hilary is, the closest thing America currently has to offer, that's close to sane sensible governance. I'm assuming Bernie has no chance here.
It really is my hope that neither of the front running republicans can win. I see America as a well educated and generally good place. There's much about America that I love from the NFL to American cars and motorcycles, movies and most of all my American friends. I'd hate to see America go the way of Germany in the 1930s. Hitler too started out as a joke, Hitler too blamed other races for the nation's ills, Hitler too was a bigot and a racist.
What should we do if America were to elect such a leader? Britain has long claimed a 'Special Relationship' with the USA. Personally I think it's a bit of a myth. America does what America wants to do. Tony Blair blindly followed George W. Bush and between them they created the chaos we see in Iraq and Afghanistan, which led to the so called 'Arab Spring', to the civil war in Syria and the migrant crisis. The problem with hindsight is you know what happened after the decision you made, but you cannot be a hundred percent sure what would have happened had you gone another way.
That said, I still feel strongly that there's no point in having a friendship if you cannot be candid. As a friend one should be able to say 'I think you're wrong there buddy'. Not 'we'll support you regardless because you're big and strong'. It's school playground stuff. It's as daft as 'my country right or wrong', wrong is wrong and no one should support it. Remember the Nuremberg trials anyone? Your country is not the same as your political leadership either. We wouldn't have allied ourselves to Hitler under any circumstances, so if one of our allies takes its leadership from a Hitleresque character should we not remove ourselves from NATO and encourage our European neighbours to do likewise?
I'm not talking about a break in diplomatic relationships or trade, but a degree of separation might be healthy. America once lurched towards isolationism, if they want to do so now let them learn from the error of their ways and build their walls. I would like to know what intelligent educated people think in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Italy and all the developed nations. For I feel it's not just Mexico, Central and Southern America that Trump risks alienating. I believe he would destroy America's standing in the wider world and that none of us should ally ourselves to such a 'leader'. I hope we have the moral fortitude not to although I have some doubts on that score too!
A word about Matt Frei whose report prompted this particular post. Matt is a regular on Channel Four News, a better, more in depth and more human newscast by far than the short, selective BBC stiff upper lip equivalent. On a recent Channel Four News they reported on the plight of Yazidi women who had been kidnapped raped and abused by Islamic State, who are now rescued, yet still effectively homeless and stateless. Channel Four interviewed a campaigner asking that Britain take these people in. A position I support unequivocally. Although Matt Frei was not the interviewer, at the end he leaned across and wished the lady well with her campaign. Thank goodness for a display of humanity in the media.
A little Trump humour!
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Friday, 18 March 2016
Rebellion's In The Air
A Tory rebellion is brewing, over the chancellor's cuts to Personal Independence Payments to the disabled. Which are unconscionable. It's a very interesting scenario; Labour will say he's cutting benefits to the disabled to fund tax cuts to the wealthiest, but it's not as simple as that. Don't get me wrong the chancellor is absolutely out of his tree to cut PIPs, especially since he wants to be Prime Minister, but the tax cuts are something separate, they make sense because they are intended to stimulate the economy and often times when you cut taxes revenue actually goes up, and although that's another topic it is true. In addition Labour would try to stimulate the economy by borrowing even more which is bonkers given the size of the debt as my previous post points out.
The Conservative party is divided and in this instance the rebels are right, over Europe another load of rebels are not right in my opinion. Ironically the Conservative party would be more united were they still in coalition with the Lib Dems. There is nothing like an 'enemy in ones midst' to pull people together, BUT ALSO the Lib Dems would not have stood for a cut in PIPs and no rebellion would have been necessary. I hated the idea of a coalition government, but hell it actually worked, while the divided Conservatives risk bringing the house down over Europe.
On PIPs the media last night cited a disabled lady who lost her home and her job as a result of losing her Personal Independence Payment, an extreme example but I'm sure it's not unique. I don't know what benefits she is claiming now but she said 'I'm now a drain on society'. I'm sure she was being honest and straightforward and we want people who want to work to be able to. I applaud her unreservedly. A civilised country looks after the disabled and we can afford that.
In his budget speech I'm pretty certain I heard the words 'increasing disability budget' escape Osborne's lips, there was something of the sort and it threw me off the scent about PIPs. At one point I wondered if I'd gone over the top in my last post when I said that all politicians are 'manipulative lizards'. Perhaps that was over the top but with the chancellor cutting PIPs and Labour misrepresenting what's going on, many obviously are.
I woke screaming last night after dreaming Trump was in the White House, Boris was in number ten, the Lib Dems had shut up shop completely and we were the pariahs of Europe. Use your vote wisely!
It's about decency
The Conservative party is divided and in this instance the rebels are right, over Europe another load of rebels are not right in my opinion. Ironically the Conservative party would be more united were they still in coalition with the Lib Dems. There is nothing like an 'enemy in ones midst' to pull people together, BUT ALSO the Lib Dems would not have stood for a cut in PIPs and no rebellion would have been necessary. I hated the idea of a coalition government, but hell it actually worked, while the divided Conservatives risk bringing the house down over Europe.
On PIPs the media last night cited a disabled lady who lost her home and her job as a result of losing her Personal Independence Payment, an extreme example but I'm sure it's not unique. I don't know what benefits she is claiming now but she said 'I'm now a drain on society'. I'm sure she was being honest and straightforward and we want people who want to work to be able to. I applaud her unreservedly. A civilised country looks after the disabled and we can afford that.
In his budget speech I'm pretty certain I heard the words 'increasing disability budget' escape Osborne's lips, there was something of the sort and it threw me off the scent about PIPs. At one point I wondered if I'd gone over the top in my last post when I said that all politicians are 'manipulative lizards'. Perhaps that was over the top but with the chancellor cutting PIPs and Labour misrepresenting what's going on, many obviously are.
I woke screaming last night after dreaming Trump was in the White House, Boris was in number ten, the Lib Dems had shut up shop completely and we were the pariahs of Europe. Use your vote wisely!
It's about decency
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Well It Could have Been Worse!
Watched The Budget from
start to finish and Jeremy Corbin's response too. My first thoughts
are that it could have been a lot worse and that there's actually
quite a lot to applaud. Of course that's not the whole picture.
The things that cause
the most annoyance to me personally are around the political game
playing and the over reliance on forecasts. People talk about
statistics and lies in the same breath, but I wonder if anyone has
ever seen a financial forecast that lasts more than five minutes, let
alone comes true, independent or otherwise. Of course you have to
make decisions based on the best information available, but you also
have to allow for it being wrong and no chancellor ever does that,
they all talk with certainty that their predictions will come true
and don't bat an eyelid when something else happens.
The Autumn Statement is
a case in point, remember autumn? It's not so very long ago, all
changed since then.
So, what were the major
points and what's good? Osborne started with a brag about how the UK
economy is growing faster than any other developed economy and about
how the deficit is down by about two thirds and about high employment
and fewer benefit claimants. All of which is well and good, but it's
not the budget. Then we got the speech about how the global economy
is weaker etc, which is why the forecasts have changed.
He said we should 'act
now so we don't suffer later', if he's looking to long term stability
then I can applaud that, shame Gordon Brown couldn't see the need for
stability. Actually he too boasted about an end to boom and bust,
then spent far more than he'd any right to and blamed the unforeseen
global downturn for our problems. It's never their fault, leave us in
a worse position than just about any other country when things turn
sour, but it's not Gordon Brown's fault. You can't trust politicians
and you can't trust forecasts.
Osborne did say that
his plans were designed to fit the independent forecasts, rather than
making forecasts to fit his plans, which is something, but actually I
think he should plan for the worst case scenario, not some pie in the
sky forecast, but that's just me. Of course we got the speech about
how the forecasts that we will continue to grow faster than other
countries are predicated on staying in the EU. Since I support
staying in the EU I think that was worth saying, but not labouring,
especially since I'm so sceptical about the forecasts anyway.
In motor racing one
chooses tyres according to the weather conditions not what is
forecast, in sailing if the forecast is good but it's blowing a gale
I wouldn't put out to sea in a small boat. In economics I'm more
interested in what's actually happening than what's forecast, so when
the chancellor says we should cut our cloth according to our position
I think he's right, but it's our actual position right now that
Our actual position is
that if you factor in all liabilities including state and public
sector pensions, the current national debt is close to £4.8
trillion, some £78,000 for every person in the UK. Even not
factoring those things in it's close to £1.7 trillion. And what if
interest rates go up, or we lose our international credit rating
which helps keep our rates low?
Then there's personal
debt, mortgages, loans, credit cards and student debt, we're drowning
in debt. And so many people think deficit is debt, even a BBC
interviewer talking to Farage after the budget. However, as
intelligent people know, the deficit is the difference between tax
receipts and government spending, the deficit is just the amount the
debt goes up each year. When they talk about a ten billion surplus
FORECAST for 2020 they're suggesting that in 2020 for the first time
in years they'll reduce the trillions we owe by a tiny fraction. That
is NOT a surplus.
Still, it's not all
doom and gloom, employment is actually up despite some caveats we'll
come to later and the National Debt is actually a tiny bit lower at
this moment than the previous forecast (that word again). The
chancellor has missed his target on the debt as a percentage of gdp
though. Personally I think if he'd sold off Lloyds Bank he might have
plugged that particular gap, but I do also think he was right to
delay that share sale given the uncertainty in the markets. I'm
surprised he didn't mention it in a way.
Extra borrowing this
year will probably be over £70 billion I say extra because that's
borrowing over and above the huge debt we're carrying, I'd actually
not only like to see no deficit but in fact no debt at all.
Conventional wisdom is that countries are big enough to carry debt,
but why would you want to? Of course many businesses carry debt to
invest and that's what Labour want, to borrow more to stimulate the
economy, but how many politicians are successful businessmen? I
wouldn't trust them to invest a penny of mine; except I do every time
I pay tax!
After the lectures,
which moved on to child poverty, pensioner poverty and the gender pay
gap, we got more forecasts and more dogma, but we did eventually get
some actual information about what's going to happen and one
statement which I whole heartedly agree with, even if I'm not sure
our politicians can deliver it given the figures above - 'security
means living within our means'.
So, we got some action
against tax avoidance and evasion, closing loopholes left open by
Labour, for example some companies currently borrow in the UK to
invest overseas, but claim the interest on the loans against UK
taxable profits. Overseas companies will store goods here and sell in
the UK online, via EBAY for example, but get around VAT competing
unfairly with small UK High Street businesses.
Closing those sorts of
loopholes is to be applauded I feel, even though consumers may pay
more in some cases. He then announced a reduction in Corporation Tax
which will help small businesses as a well as large and encourage
businesses to invest in the UK. It's sensible, but it's one of the
things, the latter that is, that Corbin objected to; which is why as
much as I applaud Labour's desire for fairness, they just cannot be
trusted with the economy, which at the end of the day pays for
everything we hold dear.
So called micro
entrepreneurs are to get tax free allowances and small businesses
will get business rates relief, six hundred small businesses will,
we're told, pay no business rates at all now and since I was once a
small businessman I think that's great. Large stores which make our
High Streets what they are, and who employ vast numbers of people now
we're a service based economy and don't make anything, will see their
rates simplified, which is something I suppose. The statement that we
don't make anything is of course an exaggeration, but it's a shame we
don't make much more.
Stamp duty has been
re-jigged and I think the new system will probably be fairer, ninety
percent of property buyers should pay less it's said and nine percent
will pay more. Looks like the bands have moved upwards, which, given
the price of housing makes perfect sense, don't know what happened to
the other one percent but apparently the chancellor reckons the
changes will also net the treasury another five hundred million. Nice
conjuring trick but refer back to the size of the national debt and
in monetary terms, as it affects the nation, it's hardly worth
The chancellor then
goaded the SNP who had based their economic predictions for Scotland,
had it become independent, on oil revenue at prices from before the
recent drop. Of course just like Gordon Brown they'd have blamed
someone else. Actually Scotland entered into union with the rest of
us when it was bankrupt. It's funny that the Scots are famously
reputed to be tight wads but cannot save money. I disclaim
responsibility for their reputation.
Taxes on oil industry
profits were duly reduced drastically, but I have to say that they're
not making any money and ten percent of nothing is still nothing, he
could have given them a lot more really and sounded truly generous.
We had another little brag about what the Tories are doing for
Scotland and Wales with infrastructure to link North Wales with the
so called Northern powerhouse for example, and a fifty percent
reduction in River Severn crossing tolls, well in 2018!
If the speech had been
half as long without the preening and jam in the future it might
actually have been impressive. HS3 the high speed rail project to
link Manchester and Leeds got the go ahead, as did four lanes for the
M62 and improvements to a couple of A roads, 66 and 69 I think, my
pen struggling to keep up, but it's academic. It's all good, but
whether it's enough to really create a Northern Powerhouse remains to
be seen.
I don't know what the
costs of infrastructure projects in the North actually are but London
already has Crossrail one East to West and will get Crossrail two
North to South, which is great. Whether the north and south of the
country and the regions are being treated equitably I'm less certain.
No time to analyse that yet.
Spending on flood
defences in York, Leeds, The Calder Valley and Cumbria are to be
boosted with a seven hundred million investment, which is good for
residents and jobs, but it's to be paid for by a hike in insurance
premium tax, so, since we all need some sort of insurance, we're all
going to pay for the false economy of cutting flood defence budgets
in the first place and I wonder what insurance premiums for people in
the affected areas will be!
Hull's City Of Culture
project will get some help as will museums who take exhibitions on
the road, all good, but tiny details in what's supposed to be about
the most important thing of all, making the economy sound, which if
done would pay for so much more.
A major plank was
education and a plan to drive local authorities out of education
altogether and make all schools self governing academies. In the long
run it might make schools better. However, as a kid I passed the
eleven plus, just, and went to a school which became comprehensive
the following year. The upheaval and change did my education nothing
but harm and those changes disrupted the education of many of my
generation. Politicians must learn to stop meddling. As Corbin said
afterwards, class sizes and teachers leaving the profession are more
important matters.
Osborne repeatedly
lectured us on how this was a budget for our kids and grandkids, but
actually meddling in education is more about showing himself to be a
big hitter and a future prime minister, not just the chancellor; just
as Boris's joining Brexit is about his career prospects not the
nation's prospects.
They're all on the
gravy train for fame and fortune. Naturally for all the big talk
there was nothing to help students who are getting into debt and
being taught that debt is how you live these days. In fact I would
also suggest that the schools budget has effectively been cut, since
although it's neither up nor down, the schools are paying for a pay
rise for teachers, leaving less for other things.
Another thing I applaud
however, is a new tax based on sugar levels in sugary kids drinks,
which I'm sure is right, even though Cameron said it was wrong not so
long ago. The manufacturers will probably reduce sugar levels, whilst
any increase in prices will hopefully make parents think twice. We're
told that the revenue raised from this measure will be spent on sport
in schools. Great if it happens, applaud that, not sure how they'll
do it since Thatcher's Tories sold off the school playing fields
which have now been built over. The forecast, that word again, is
that the measure will bring in five hundred and twenty million
pounds. I wonder if the accuracy of that forecast will ever be
revealed and where the money will really end up.
Big announcement, but
again look at that figure and relate it to the national debt.
Fuel duty, that is tax
on petrol and diesel to you and me, is frozen again. Politicians love
to present a freeze as a tax cut, but then they're a bunch of
manipulative lizards on the whole. Applaud the freeze though, taking
advantage of the fall in fuel prices would have been dirty and it's
not just about private motorists, so much is delivered by road that
it makes a considerable difference to other prices and to inflation
as well.
Tobacco duty to rise as
previously announced, fine, help for the pub trade, by freezing duty
on beer and scotch, well, again I don't know how much it helps, we've
lost thousands of pubs already, but at least he's not made a bad
situation worse.
Help for the self
employed with the abolition of class two National Insurance,
excellent. Capital Gains Tax reduction, headline rate from 28% to
20%, 18% down to 10% for most, also excellent because it encourages
enterprise and investment. I imagine the Labour party won't see that,
just as they won't see the benefits of reducing Corporation Tax.
However not profiteering on petrol and diesel, National Insurance
changes, Corporation and Capital Gains taxes reductions should all be
a stimulus, as should help with business rates and closing tax
loopholes; properly presented it could have been a great budget
Next we had the
funniest moment of the day, although behind it was something rather
unfortunate for all of us had we the sense to see it. The chancellor
talked about people not investing in pensions, the complication in
the system, well that's true, but it's politicians who made it so.
When talking about taxes on pensions and his new plans he made a
hilarious jibe about keeping the lump sum and abolishing the Lib
Dems, in a right good one two he suggested 'from midnight tonight'.
Of course the Tories
went hard at Lib Dem strongholds in the last election and decimated
the party. Fact is though that the Lib Dems actually brought some
fair minded liberalness to what many see as an unfeeling government.
Actually the coalition worked surprisingly well and one of the
Liberals key policies is now seen as a Tory one.
Increasing the
threshold at which tax is paid is something I've advocated for years.
What the hell is the point of taxing people before they've earned
enough to live and then paying it back to them in low income support,
the bureaucratic waste is beyond stupid. And by raising the threshold
you make it worth coming off benefits and going to work. I've been
bleating about it for years, the Lib Dems made it happen, Osborne has
raised it to eleven thousand pounds this year with a proposal to
raise it to eleven and a half next year. Still not enough, I don't
know how anyone feeds themselves, houses themselves, clothes
themselves, pays local taxes and has some basic quality of life,
transport etc on less than one thousand pounds a month.
It lifts the poorest
people out of taxation and poverty to a degree, it allows people to
spend, it's an absolute no brainer, it has to be popular, it's the
Lib Dems who made it happen and the Tories are doubtless drip feeding
it in so they can brag about it year on year.
More chest out macho
stuff from Osborne at this point; we're told that under Gordon Brown
one pound in every four of government spending was borrowed and now
it's only one pound in every fourteen. I imagine that's true even if
I don't trust statistics much more than forecasts and if so it's a
start. Anyone who's read my articles before will know I have nothing
but contempt for Gordon Brown, starting with his pension raid when he
too was chancellor. Don't worry though his pension will be fine,
especially since he got the top job without anyone voting him in
other than his own cronies.
This chancellor is
right about pensions being overly complicated and about young people
having difficulty saving and being conflicted, because they want to
save for a home as well as for a pension. So what has he done? He's
introduced a 'Lifetime ISA' for people under forty, for every four
thousand pounds people save towards a house or a pension the
government will chip in a grand. Actually I think that's excellent to
add to the other excellent measures listed above.
For old codgers like
me, the ISA allowance goes up from fifteen thousand a year to twenty;
since I haven't had fifteen grand to put aside for as long as I can
remember, it helps me not a jot, nor millions like me, still, if you
do have a windfall, sell up, well, what I'm saying is there may be
occasions when ordinary people might benefit.
The forty two thousand
pounds per annum threshold at which people start paying higher rate
tax is being raised to forty five thousand. Quiet applause for that
one, I think it's a populist move, however I'm in favour of low
taxation generally and I do believe the middle classes are the
powerhouse of the economy, so a little bit to the good.
That's about it really.
It must be hard for the leader of the opposition to respond
instantly, I'd prefer they were given time to consider. Naturally
they have a speech three quarters prepared based on their own dogma
and that's what we got, a litany of accusations of failure as if we
should trust the idiots who wrecked the economy to fix it. On TV the
other day the shadow chancellor couldn't help slipping in the line
'of course we'd borrow'. What he meant was borrow more, Labour will
never learn.
Much of what Corbin
said was nonsense, like the chancellor he could have done much better
keeping it short and making only valid and important points. Mixed in
with the dross about hedge fund managers were a couple of good points
about care of the elderly for example, he referred to government
standing by while the steel industry bled, and I'd like to see
Britain make things too. He talked about the Northern Powerhouse
being outsourced to London, I don't know enough detail to comment.
He referred to local government budgets and the closing of libraries,
swimming pools having shorter hours and suchlike.
Now I care about
libraries and sports facilities, I really do, we need a strong
economy to pay for them and I don't trust Labour to deliver it, in
fact as tired as people get of hearing that Labour broke the bank
it's no less true for the repetition. He made a valid point about
security coming from knowing you've got a job and what you're going
to earn, he was attacking zero hours contracts and I agree they're a
fix, a fiddle and they're wrong. He continued about in work poverty
but the increase in the personal allowance, from the now almost
obliterated Lib Dems remember is doing more to address that than
Labour's tax and then wastefully give out here and there policies
ever did.
He talked about the
gender pay gap but his claims that Labour would be able to end it are
pure speculation, politicians have to make unsupportable claims, why
do they do that? He did make some valid points about NHS debt and
policing budgets.
To summarise, some very
good measures to help ordinary people and stimulate the economy mixed
in with a load of puffed up bull and a load of small announcements
politically motivated which affect the big picture not at all. Way
better than it could have been, despite some promises which doubtless
won't come to fruition, like spending on school sports. Lib Dem Susan
Kramer commented that some of the infrastructure announcements had
been announced by her when she was in government and that it would be
nice if they stopped announcing things repeatedly and actually did
Bring back the Lib Dems
at the next election, they've lurched to the right, I'm thinking
especially about the vote to bomb Syria without a strategy, but it
was the signal or lesson they took from the election I think, since
the polls did not predict such a swing to the Tories whose aim is now
to wipe the Lib Dems off the map completely. Many a true word spoken
in jest, but we don't want to become divided between extremes as
America is and look what's happening there. We must keep a middle
ground party or live with the consequences.
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Same Old, Same Old
Budget week, oh heck, Labour let slip that of course they would borrow, but only to invest of course, well apart from raising public sector pay to keep the votes coming in, while the Tories play the fear card, governments love to keep us in fear, and the media commentators push their own agendas.
Andrew Marr accused the Tories of doing too much to help the middle classes this morning. Actually the Lib Dems pushed for the raising of the tax threshold and quite right too. What the hell is the point of taxing people BEFORE they've earned enough to live on. It goes back to the days of King John! Only today we then waste a whole heap of admin money paying it back in income support, again to win votes!
Not paying tax until you have enough to live on is RIGHT and it helps poor people too. The chancellor is no friend to many investors and entrepreneurs either, but that's another subject. We'll see what happens in the budget and then comment, but I can't help predicting the same old, same old entrenched positions form both doctrines.
Only thing the chancellor and his shadow agree on is staying in Europe and for once Osborne put the case well, this may not be word perfect but in effect 'solving major problems like the migration crisis requires international cooperation', quite right cooperation, not division, engagement. Marr brought up the spectre of Turkey getting visa free travel and EU membership. That would be dangerous given the current repressive, religious government there for sure, but I think our European partners know that.
Marr also pointed to a Eurozone in crisis, I've been following exchange rates, the Euro is holding up at this moment.
Finally, a new Lib Dem memoir exposes the inside workings of the coalition. It seems to reveal some pretty dodgy personalities, but then I've always been somewhat skeptical about our politicians. That's what happens in a divorce. Personally I feel the coalition worked pretty well, shame people were too scared of Ed to vote Lib Dem and they're now exposing the Tories failings in book form rather than tempering them.
Andrew Marr accused the Tories of doing too much to help the middle classes this morning. Actually the Lib Dems pushed for the raising of the tax threshold and quite right too. What the hell is the point of taxing people BEFORE they've earned enough to live on. It goes back to the days of King John! Only today we then waste a whole heap of admin money paying it back in income support, again to win votes!
Not paying tax until you have enough to live on is RIGHT and it helps poor people too. The chancellor is no friend to many investors and entrepreneurs either, but that's another subject. We'll see what happens in the budget and then comment, but I can't help predicting the same old, same old entrenched positions form both doctrines.
Only thing the chancellor and his shadow agree on is staying in Europe and for once Osborne put the case well, this may not be word perfect but in effect 'solving major problems like the migration crisis requires international cooperation', quite right cooperation, not division, engagement. Marr brought up the spectre of Turkey getting visa free travel and EU membership. That would be dangerous given the current repressive, religious government there for sure, but I think our European partners know that.
Marr also pointed to a Eurozone in crisis, I've been following exchange rates, the Euro is holding up at this moment.
Finally, a new Lib Dem memoir exposes the inside workings of the coalition. It seems to reveal some pretty dodgy personalities, but then I've always been somewhat skeptical about our politicians. That's what happens in a divorce. Personally I feel the coalition worked pretty well, shame people were too scared of Ed to vote Lib Dem and they're now exposing the Tories failings in book form rather than tempering them.
Saturday, 12 March 2016
What a bunfight!
Watched Question Time the other night from Dundee. My goodness, I had no idea, Scottish politicians are even more misleading than English ones. They were using expressions like 'that's false' right left and centre, when what they meant was 'you're a damn liar'. Someone in the audience actually asked 'how are we supposed to know the truth?' It was an utter disgrace as a debate, a real bunfight, the only one with any dignity and common sense was a young looking English guest journalist, yes a journalist!! Would you Adam and Eve it!
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
An American General
accused Putin of exacerbating the migrant crisis in Syria in order to
destabilise Europe, he may well be right. For Russia, who's President
is all about power, it's a win, win, support their ally Assad AND
cause problems for Europe. So where are we really?
The deal says we take
Syrian refugees, deemed as genuine refugees and Turkey takes the
others back. What a pantomime; so a boat is intercepted in the Aegean
with say ten Syrians on board and ten from elsewhere, it goes back to
Turkey and ten other Syrians, already in refugee camps are flown to
Europe for resettlement. Does anyone really think this is going to
Then the UN throw their
lot into the mix talking about legalities. Well, actually legalities
and human rights do matter, even if the UN is a compromised and
fundamentally flawed organisation. Has anyone noticed that four of
the five permanent members of the laughably entitled Security Council
are at war in Syria and lets face it, not all on the same side or
pursuing the same ends!
The UN does some good
in sending humanitarian aid, sometimes, but as a tool to end war it
is utterly useless. Have people already forgotten Bosnia? In Bosnia
UN peacekeepers kept their weapons holstered while genocide was
committed and a UN Colonel even shook hands with the perpetrator.
It's true that the powers away from the front line made the position
of the troops on the ground untenable, but still it was appalling.
Utterly appalling.
In Syria today the USA,
Russia, France and to our shame the UK are throwing ordnance around
and only Russia has a strategy and the other three don't buy into
that one, so what happened to jaw, jaw? The UN and the Security
Council is a sad, sad, sorry organisation.
So, the UN is part of
the problem, not part of the solution and the European Union, unable
to agree and speak, or act as one, is turning to Erdogan. This is a
man who uses force to suppress demonstrations, people who don't want
a shopping centre built on the last green space in Istanbul, people
who want their most popular newspaper to remain free.
In return for his
'help' he wants six billion Euros and EU membership back on the table
and visa free travel for Turks, actually weakening the border, or am
I the only one who sees that? And he can't be trusted. And he doesn't
share our values. Actually he should be tossed out of NATO, for those
very reasons.
In the UK Cameron has
negotiated the UK out of ever closer union, and most of the British
public cheer that. Actually if Europe is ever to speak with one
voice and act as one what we need is closer union, but politicians,
following what's expedient for themselves won't see that. Wilfully
won't see that just as clown Boris has jumped on Brexit in the hope
it will suit his career.
Countries like India,
China, Russia, the USA have huge populations and of recent times it
has made them players on the world stage. Populations in India and
China are becoming better educated and more productive, making them
more powerful still. As in fact we saw historically in the USA. The
USA incidentally once welcomed all and it made them strong. Then they
started to clam up, they became more isolationist. What we're seeing
in Europe is like the same thing speeded up by a factor of a hundred.
Funny thing is that
once we looked down on isolationist ideas. I know immigration causes
problems, teaching a class that has a dozen different languages
doesn't work. Having more people than there are jobs or housing
doesn't work. Nonetheless we should be better at solving problems
than doing a deal with Erdogan.
If we can assimilate
these people and help them to become productive, contributing members
of our society it makes us stronger. There are job vacancies online,
all the time and here in Yorkshire it's a shameful fact that for
every homeless person there are ten empty homes! Really.
Anecdotes are not
statistically valid BUT on TV the other night an interview with a
fifteen year old girl fleeing Aleppo where she had been at school.
Her English was perfect, damned if I can speak Arabic. She played the
violin, as I did at school, her dream to play professionally. Of
course they're not all like her, but I'd wager many are, and those
who didn't go to school still could.
What we really need is
closer integration in Europe and policies which make all of Europe
stronger. Stop the bickering and turn a problem into an opportunity,
don't do deals with oppressors and don't have them as military
allies. Scrap the UN and start over with an organisation that
actually works for peace. First though Europe need to be whole.
Britain should stay in for our benefit, Europe's benefit, the world's
benefit and we should stop throwing our toys out of the pram. There's
not too much wrong with British values on the whole, we should help
not hinder.
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Is Republican The New Lemming?
Do the warnings from history have a best before date? Do people forget, or is it just that later generations disassociate themselves from the lessons of the past? Maybe there is actually a Lemming instinct in humanity, such that suddenly huge sections of society are happy to follow someone into the abyss.
In the 1930s people wondered how a basically civilised, cultured and christian country like Germany could align itself behind the anti-christ. How could Germany turn a blind eye to Gestapo torture and SS genocide, or did they actually back it? Donald Trump has openly said he'd go after families, that's innocent women and children to you and me, he's said that not only does he support waterboarding, but he'd endorse more extreme torture too.
As Hitler blamed his country's ills on another race, so Trump blames Mexicans and Muslims. It's a worry. If you'd toured Germany at the end of 1945 you'd have seen what it is to follow a man like that into the abyss. Of course millions of Germans never did see, because they, like their leader, died in the fall.
Sounds extreme doesn't it. Yet the destructive force of Hitler's weapons, which laid so much to waste, are as nothing compared with Americas nuclear arsenal. Today a man like that could achieve much.
Britain has nurtured what it thinks of as a special relationship with America, although it's really kinda one sided in reality. However, such as it is, it's based on shared values as well as a common tongue. And so I respectfully suggest that IF America elects a President with such different values from our own that we do not also become Lemmings, that we let that relationship go, that we withdraw from NATO and ask other members to follow that example until sanity is restored.
Torture, murder, war crimes, racism, bigotry and division are not British values. I hope and believe they are not American values either. If Republican is the new Lemming then lets hope for a Democrat landslide.
Protest now.
In the 1930s people wondered how a basically civilised, cultured and christian country like Germany could align itself behind the anti-christ. How could Germany turn a blind eye to Gestapo torture and SS genocide, or did they actually back it? Donald Trump has openly said he'd go after families, that's innocent women and children to you and me, he's said that not only does he support waterboarding, but he'd endorse more extreme torture too.
As Hitler blamed his country's ills on another race, so Trump blames Mexicans and Muslims. It's a worry. If you'd toured Germany at the end of 1945 you'd have seen what it is to follow a man like that into the abyss. Of course millions of Germans never did see, because they, like their leader, died in the fall.
Sounds extreme doesn't it. Yet the destructive force of Hitler's weapons, which laid so much to waste, are as nothing compared with Americas nuclear arsenal. Today a man like that could achieve much.
Britain has nurtured what it thinks of as a special relationship with America, although it's really kinda one sided in reality. However, such as it is, it's based on shared values as well as a common tongue. And so I respectfully suggest that IF America elects a President with such different values from our own that we do not also become Lemmings, that we let that relationship go, that we withdraw from NATO and ask other members to follow that example until sanity is restored.
Torture, murder, war crimes, racism, bigotry and division are not British values. I hope and believe they are not American values either. If Republican is the new Lemming then lets hope for a Democrat landslide.
Protest now.
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
The Plight Of the Middle Classes
Here in the UK there was a Chancellor of the Exchequer, later Prime Minister although not by popular election, who destroyed, well hugely devalued anyway the pension provisions of hard working middle class people. Some of them took it on the chin but others looked at other ways to provide for their old age. One of those ways was through buying property to rent out.
As with their pension decisions people based their choices on the rules at the time. A new Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, is now waging war on those people, forcing them to sell up or lose money, Hobson's choice. The high moral position that he takes is that it will help first time buyers. Which it won't really.
Now, many of the buy to let investors are slightly older people and when they bought their first homes they had to save for a deposit, there was no such thing as one hundred percent mortgages back then, no help to buy schemes either. Most paid astronomical interest rates too, which skyrocketed with little or no warning. Double figure rates.
Things are not materially worse for first time buyers today unless they are already saddled with huge debt from their education, another wrong brought about by politicians, Tony Blair principally. The really iniquitous thing though is how they (the politicians) seek to divide society.
The attack on buy to let landlords, who on the whole maintain their properties and charge fair rents, is just one example. The rhetoric pitches the landlords against the first time buyers, when actually there is no conflict at all. No one forces you to rent, everyone makes their own decisions, when to leave home, what education to pursue, what career to pursue, when to get married, when to start a family, when to buy.
If buy to let landlords flood the market with property, there may be a short term dip in prices. The thing is, that usually when property prices fall there is a corresponding loss of confidence too, it doesn't really help, it's a bit like the old boom and bust Gordon Brown promised to eliminate.
There is a welfare system in the UK, but that's selective too. I know a middle class couple, late middle age and the wife has early dementia. It's a genuine tragedy, but they will pay for her care, probably for years and years, until the husband is left not only with no wife, but also with no future and no proper retirement for himself. Middle class you see, worked all his life.
If they had nothing, had done nothing, owned nothing the state would help. Now no one is saying the state shouldn't help those with nothing, but it does seem iniquitous that those who've contributed all their lives struggle to get help when they really need it, again it's divisive, them and us.
And yet it is the middle classes that are the power house of any economy, it's generally the middle classes who generate the wealth and espouse family values and education and decency, so why are they the enemy of all political parties?
Leading a decent life T shirts.
As with their pension decisions people based their choices on the rules at the time. A new Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, is now waging war on those people, forcing them to sell up or lose money, Hobson's choice. The high moral position that he takes is that it will help first time buyers. Which it won't really.
Now, many of the buy to let investors are slightly older people and when they bought their first homes they had to save for a deposit, there was no such thing as one hundred percent mortgages back then, no help to buy schemes either. Most paid astronomical interest rates too, which skyrocketed with little or no warning. Double figure rates.
Things are not materially worse for first time buyers today unless they are already saddled with huge debt from their education, another wrong brought about by politicians, Tony Blair principally. The really iniquitous thing though is how they (the politicians) seek to divide society.
The attack on buy to let landlords, who on the whole maintain their properties and charge fair rents, is just one example. The rhetoric pitches the landlords against the first time buyers, when actually there is no conflict at all. No one forces you to rent, everyone makes their own decisions, when to leave home, what education to pursue, what career to pursue, when to get married, when to start a family, when to buy.
If buy to let landlords flood the market with property, there may be a short term dip in prices. The thing is, that usually when property prices fall there is a corresponding loss of confidence too, it doesn't really help, it's a bit like the old boom and bust Gordon Brown promised to eliminate.
There is a welfare system in the UK, but that's selective too. I know a middle class couple, late middle age and the wife has early dementia. It's a genuine tragedy, but they will pay for her care, probably for years and years, until the husband is left not only with no wife, but also with no future and no proper retirement for himself. Middle class you see, worked all his life.
If they had nothing, had done nothing, owned nothing the state would help. Now no one is saying the state shouldn't help those with nothing, but it does seem iniquitous that those who've contributed all their lives struggle to get help when they really need it, again it's divisive, them and us.
And yet it is the middle classes that are the power house of any economy, it's generally the middle classes who generate the wealth and espouse family values and education and decency, so why are they the enemy of all political parties?
Leading a decent life T shirts.
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