Dear Malcolm,
Many thanks for your reply and support.
This things or even worse things are happening in many places in the world but we don’t know. Now I guess it is time for
Turkish people to stand up and only try to change the things if possible.
I am sorry to e-mail you all the terrible stories but I trust you can deliver the messages to many people in UK. I don’t know
how much this will help but more announcement is always better.
You may watch the below videos. Please don’t be sorry for them because they aren’t. I have a full respect for the people
that they know why they are protesting.
the Gezi Park story with Fazıl Say music
h p://
Gezi Park Taksim, İstanbul story in English
Below is the song for GeziPark Taksim in stanbul Turkey
From the beginning
A real photo
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