Wednesday, 21 March 2012

What This Blog Is About

My overriding interest is in world peace. I'm widely travelled and I believe it's time we all got along better, stopped the killing and stopped dictatorial regimes from ruining people's lives, but by peaceful means - more Ghandi than Bush. I've just set this blog up and today is budget day in the UK. I also intend to use this blog to campaign for common sense in politics. I have limited time today but I will write about the budget and the opposition's reaction to it when I have some time. Some good from both, some bad from both and yet the right choices should be a matter of common sense without political point scoring. Of course we need to get the economy on course again, we also need to help the poorest and boost the middle class - the backbone of any successful economy. Not overtaxing the rich is important to our international competitiveness too, we need those people to stay in our country and to do business here, just so long as they make an appropriate contribution.